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Poem of the Day  - Don't Pandemic

Here we are in lockdown, the wife, the dogs and me

it feels like it's been eighteen months though it's only been three..........days

the curfew means we're in at nights watching the TV

doing jigsaws, reading books, attempting poetry

I must admit we panic bought, we rushed to get stocks in

but at least we've now got plenty of beer, wine and gin

we practice social distancing, touch elbows and fist bump

we don't shake hands for fear we get infected, just like Trump

at least it's brought back memories, for that we can give thanks

it's the first time that I've worn a mask since I gave up robbing banks

no, that's not rue of course! I'm a law abiding chap

heck, I've even downloaded the COVID-19 app!

and when this thing is over and we've all had our vaccine

let's hope we don't go quite back to the way it's always been

if you wake up crook one day don't act like a dick

don't go out and spread your germs, and make other people sick

don't go to work or to the pub, don't travel on the train

don't go shopping, just stay home until you're well again

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